
Delayed Autumn?

Here in Ontario, we’re just barely at the tail end of summer. The leaves have started to change colour, typical for us in early to mid September, and the weather is still in the 20s (C) during the day and above 10C overnight. Pepper flowers are still coming, my roses are putting out new blooms, and my watermelons are trying to set a new round of fruit.

But it’s October 6, only a few days before our typical first frost date.

It would be awesome if it weren’t so terrible.

Climate change is an anxiety provoking thought, one that I dwell on a lot. It’s hard to know if it’s good to think about it a lot, because it makes me really environmentally mindful of my choices… or if I’m pushing myself more into climate anxiety and paralysis. My daughter recently asked me “what if there isn’t clean water to drink when I grow up?”. I didn’t have a good or convincing answer for her, because privately I’m concerned about the same thing.

I can’t end this entry on that note, so my little bit of hope is that today I learned the monarch butterflies are no longer considered endangered. I like to think my little garden and caterpillar hatchery is partly responsible. Now to go help the puffins…

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